COME UNDONE (What More Do I Want )
Info :
Drama - 3 December 2010 (USA)
Quality : DVDRip | 400mb | MKV
The story, which plays out in Milan, focuses on the brief flirtation between office worker Anna (Alba Rohrwacher) and catering manager Domenico (Pierfrancesco Favino), which escalates into secret meetings and a pay-by-the-hour motel. Domenico makes clear at the start that he is married with two children; in turn Anna is living in a safe relationship with her plump and broody handyman boyfriend. The emotional and sexual attachment between Anna and Domenico deepens and is at the same time scarred by their feelings of betrayal, responsibility, and guilt.
There are many well-played comic moments like the boyfriend reading a Jim Morrison biography in bed with a little portable light attached to the pages, and the daughter who tries to create a tempest inside the family bathroom. The side characters are well-acted – especially Domenico’s cute, fish-obsessed daughter (Francesca Capelli) and Anna’s stiff aunt (Gisella Burinato) who senses that something is wrong.
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